
Good News and Speedy Shipping

Our objects of Beauty from now on will get to you faster!
MUCH faster.

We are so pleased to announce that our online customers now have their very own shipping department & crew! No more waiting, no more online orders being in a line with the huge orders going to our retail stores/showroom clients - That's right - we have hired and trained a new and separate division and you, our online clients, now,officially, have your very own crew of 6 that will nothing but pack, ship out online orders, confirmations and tracking information.

Starting on Monday, all online orders will now ship within 24 - 48 hours from the day of purchase (depending on if it falls on a weekday, weekend or holiday and sometimes they will go out the same day!). This is a permanent change, not just for the holidays... Because we love you and you deserve the very best and certainly deserve faster shipping than you have been getting.

--credits and sources--
Mercury’s Winged Feet | Jardín Botánico,Buenos Aires | Photography by Ignacio


Fraternal Twins of Sacred Simplicity

Let the Season begin with magical, sacred beauty --

Two beautiful pieces of art & history featuring large hallmarked antique French sacred heart ex votos and miles of exquisite baroque pearls in two different colors and styles. These are substantial, very large pieces that make quite a statement in an elegant yet simple way.

Sacred Hearts originated in the 11th century and were most widely used during the 19th century in France and Italy as prayer and/or devotional items. Notes, prayers and devotions were placed inside and the reliquary was then hung on the wall in a church or home sanctuary with hope that the prayers would be answered and devotions acknowledged. These pieces are so special and are imbued with love and hope.

These two lovelies are available and can be seen in more detail in our JEWELRY SECTION.

Greyfreth jewelry is anchored with the highest quality treasures from eras past: relics, icons, jewels, sacred reliquaries, keepsakes, mementos -- sought out from the four corners of the world and from centuries ago. There is charm and a sense of mystery to their history - tokens that were once exchanged with love, perhaps held while promises were made, prayers were whispered over and secrets kept within. These pieces of the past are paired and bejeweled with finds such as ancient stones, minerals and metals from deep within the earth and natural gems and high grade pearls from the seven seas. Using time honored traditions in metal work and jewelry making, we bring you one of a kind, heirloom quality wearable pieces of both art and history... pieces you will enjoy giving or keeping, and loving for a lifetime.


Tuesday's Child is Full of Grace... New Cross Bottles added today.

A few pretties to add to your collection or to gift to someone special.

Today's Additions. Find them peppered into the WHITE COLLECTION. We will be continually restocking from now through the Holidays, so be sure to check in often HERE and claim your favorites.

Current available Bottles in the WHITE COLLECTION:

***Next Restock Thursday, November 19th*** including a good mix of sizes in the Whites, some mercury glass pieces and maybe some Ambers.... come by and see on Thursday afternoon/evening.


A Few New Pretties...

Greyfreth Cross Bottles

Friday's Additions. Find them peppered into the WHITE COLLECTION. We will be continually restocking from now through the Holidays, so be sure to check in often HERE and claim your favorites.

***Next Restock Sunday, November 15th*** including a good mix of sizes in the Whites, some mercury glass pieces and maybe some Ambers.... come by and see on Sunday afternoon/evening.


Sunday's Additions to the White Collection

Just uploaded. A Trio of Sacred Beauty. Beautiful alone, stunning en masse.

Greyfreth Cross Bottles
Sunday's Additions to the White Cross Bottle Collection.

Available HERE.

The ethereal cross bottles of Isabeau Grey: Hand wrought using time honored, ancient techniques and beautiful fragments of history. Created exclusively in our design studio by the Sea.


Trio of Loveliness

Just uploaded. A Rhapsody of Rustic and Refined. Beautiful alone, stunning en masse.
Wednesday's Additions to the White Cross Bottle Collection.

Available HERE.

The ethereal cross bottles of Isabeau Grey: Hand wrought using time honored, ancient techniques and beautiful fragments of history. Created exclusively in our design studio by the Sea.