The heavens opened up here in coastal southern California and have been dumping a constant deluge of rain - and winds - and the occasional thunder and lightning - which is really unheard of here. We actually had a tornado warning. It's been insane.

That being said, it has been the perfect weather to sequester myself to the studio and I've been working fiendishly in there. I come out to eat and sleep - other than that, that is where I have been and will be through the weekend.

There are dozens upon dozens of new and gorgeous bottles going up over the next week. I have huge plans and beautiful things which I am working on for 2010 in the area of Cross Bottles and Sea Life , and I think you are going to absolutely go crazy over them!
In addition to all the cross bottles I need to put on the site - I have some other fabulous new things to upload, too. I wish there were more of me so I could get things up on the internet shop faster, but it is what it is, and truly, the wait is worth it. You will love it all. I promise! In even more news, I also have a new Artist that has joined our family of creative folks - more on that on Monday!
Okay, I'm off again to the studio! Stay warm, dry, and happy out there -
xo Isa
The beautiful paintings shown are all by the talented Sheila Vaughan, England.
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